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Starter Pack

Start your path to wellness with this 30-day supply of products in your custom-designed Starter Pack. This introductory pack includes specifically-designed products that are needed to get you started on your Candida program. Click now to order your Starter Pack.

USD $199.00 Free Shipping
candida wellness starter pack

Probiotic for Large Intestine Support-Dairy Free
Antifungal-Antibiotic Solution
Antifungal-Antibiotic Solution
Gastrointestinal Support / Enhance Immune Function
Probiotic Supplement for Infants, Toddlers and Expectant Mothers-Dairy Formula
Probiotic Supplement for All Ages-Goats Milk Formula
Total Mineral Formula
Boosts Immune Response / Promotes Healthy Microflora in the GI Tract
Gastrointestinal Support-Friendly Flora
Gastrointestinal Support-Friendly Flora
Musculoskeletal Health
Parasite Cleansing and Intestinal Support
Parasite Cleansing and Gastrointestinal Immune Support
Detox Support / Boost Liver Health
Supplement to the Candida Yeast Answer book.
Biotic Silver Topical Gel 4oz Topical Antifungal-Antibiotic Gel
Cape Aloe is a strong tonic and purgative, but is safe, nonaddicting...
Organic Liquid Colloidal Minerals
Probiotic for Small Intestine Support-Dairy Free
Provides recommendations for meal planning...
Your complete 75 page guide to recovery and better health.
Your complete 75 page guide to recovery and better health. FREE.
3 in 1 Probiotic Supplement
3 in 1 Probiotic Supplement
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Full Spectrum Ionized Biotic Silver –
Strengthening Your Immune System

  • Biotic Silver is the most advanced form of “Ionized Silver” available today for the therapeutic purpose of fighting infection and strengthening the immune system. Biotic Silver is a powerful, natural, completely safe, highly effective antibiotic-antifungal solution. Our advanced highly potent form of silver is made in a unique organic mineral base that contains over 70 trace minerals and has a proprietary balance of concentrated ionized silver that is completely dissolved for total body absorption and utilization. Biotic silver is non-accumulative and non-toxic.

  • "Strengthen your immune system and fight infection today with Biotic Silver from Candida Wellness"

* The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.